“Quimbee is short and to the point—in a way that is accurate and informative and helps you figure out the core of what you need.”
Law school: George Washington University Law School
Grad year: 2024
Exam: July 2024 (UBE)

Profile snapshot
Law school: George Washington University Law School
Grad year: 2024
Exam: July 2024 (UBE)
Course schedule: Full-time
Biggest challenge: Quick turnaround from graduation and her part-time side job
How Quimbee Bar Review helped: Organization and progress tracking
Sarah Lambert's background
After graduating from the George Washington University Law School, Sarah shifted her focus to preparing for the MPRE and the New York bar exam. Given the quick turnaround from graduation and her part-time side job, Sarah knows the upcoming July bar exam will be a challenge. But she knows she can lean on her memorization skills and dedicated study habits to successfully prepare for the exam. This summer, Sarah will be rooming with a friend who is also a law student. She’s looking forward to having a supportive friend who she can ask questions and rely on for advice during her preparation.
Follow Sarah Lambert's bar review journey
From choosing the right course to finding out their results, experience every important milestone from Sarah Lambert’s bar review journey.
Picking the right bar prep provider
The MPRE is over, and Sarah is now in bar-prep mode. She’s trusted Quimbee for the past 3 years because the format matches her process for studying. Quimbee helped Sarah succeed in law school and pass the MPRE, and she now hopes Quimbee will help her pass the bar exam.

Getting started
As Sarah begins her Quimbee Bar Review+ journey, she’s most excited about the abundance of opportunities to practice her essay writing. Because her law school experience lacked extensive training in essay writing, Sarah is eager to dive into the multiple writing workshops available in the course. The workshops are a perfect opportunity for her to refine her skills. Additionally, she plans to take full advantage of personalized attorney feedback on her essay submissions, setting the stage for her first practice MPT.

Finishing strong
Now that Sarah’s well into the second half of the course, she has a good idea of the habits that have been working well for her, the areas that could use some extra attention, and the exercises that will help improve her performance most. Sarah has found the course’s built-in freedom to be exceptionally beneficial. The ability to self-study gives her opportunities to practice her memorization skills, while also allowing Sarah to comfortably accomplish the day’s to-do list of tasks.

Entering the home stretch
On the final day before the bar exam, Sarah chose to take a balanced approach that allowed her to brush up on a main focus area while also giving herself the opportunity to enter into the right state of mind for the exam. After morning yoga and a walk through Brooklyn Bridge Park, Sarah reviewed feedback she received on the Multistate Performance Test so that she can head into the essay portion of the bar exam with confidence.

Waiting to hear back
Waiting for her bar exam results now seems far more manageable, thanks to Sarah’s feeling of preparedness during the exam. As she tackled questions, memories of Quimbee Bar Review+ video clips and multiple-choice practice questions, which reinforced key rules and correct answers, frequently came to mind. Before the exam, the wait until October seemed endless, but the knowledge that she’ll likely join the majority of students who pass the bar on their first attempt after using Quimbee makes the wait feel much more bearable.

Revealing the results
Sarah walked out of the bar exam feeling more at ease than she had expected—and for good reason. Not only had she passed, but she scored high enough to practice in any Uniform Bar Exam jurisdiction. Sarah credits her calmness under pressure to the personalized feedback she received on her essay submissions and the striking similarity between the Quimbee Bar Review+ multiple-choice questions and those on the actual exam. The confidence she built while studying with QBR+ not only helped her perform under pressure, but also allowed her to sleep soundly in the months following the exam.