Guigi Carminati - Welcome to "Managing Commercial Human
Space Flight Liability," which is an advanced space law course. My name is
Giugi Carminati, and I have a doctorate in space law, as well as in LLM in
space, cyber, and telecommunications law. And I look forward to sharing this
next hour with you. The question we're going to answer today, or at least
attempt to answer is who decides whether, and to what extent, space flight
participants can recover from commercial human space flight companies for
injury or death. And the way we're going to do that today is through a little
Once upon a time, Jane Plaine was very excited. She just found out she was
going to fly on a sub-orbital flight by Gets Around sub-orbital flights, the
airplane trip to the launch side. The day before the sub-orbital flight had
been really long, about 14 hours, but Jane had taken a sedative and just slept
for the entire plane, right? So she felt pretty rested. The flight had been
offered by Gets Around sister company, Fast Flying, and all the other space
flight participants had flown together from the last day of training to the
launch site. Finally at 10:00 a.m on the day, off, she took off alongside the
other participants, it was amazing. Jane felt mostly fine during the entire
trip and seemed elated when she was done. That evening, Jane participated in a
small reception for SFPs, Space Flight Participants and their families. Food
was catered by one of Gets Around service companies. Although Jane had
communicated all her allergies, at one point, she thought she tasted something
she wasn't supposed to eat in her dish. No matter she thought, let's not ruin
the moment. At night, Jane went to the home. She and her family had rented for
the weekend. She went to bed by her husband's side. She didn't tell anyone, but
during the evening, Jane had begun developing a chest pain and difficulty
breathing, maybe it's just the excitement from today, she thought before she
took another sleep aid and went to bed.
The next morning she was dead.
Can Jane's family recover from Gets Around? Well, first, let's talk a little
bit about the fact that there are three things we're gonna be looking at today,
right? We're gonna be looking at what is fault? What is responsibility, and
what is liability? Those are three very different concepts. Fault is a layman's
term of referring to something that makes another thing happen. But sometimes
you may feel at fault for something, but really the relationship between cause
and effect is pretty attenuated. So while you may feel at fault, you're not
legally responsible. The question then comes to what is responsibility? Well,
responsibility is something you were supposed to take care of and you didn't
take care of, right? And then there's liability. Liability is illegal created
concept of who is going to be held responsible, who is going to be found at
fault. And it's not the same thing. And as an attorney, you probably already
know those are very different concepts. So let's say that Jane's attorney or
Jane's family attorney writes a letter to Gets Around Suborbital Flights. What
are they going to answer? Well, they're gonna come up with one of four answers,
and we know them as lawyers. We learn these in law school.
The first answer is going to be, well, stuff happens, right? And that's a
factual scenario. That's a factual response, look, okay, bad things happened,
and that's just the way it is, but it's not our responsibility. There's no
legal connection to our conduct. The next one is we didn't make any mistakes
and that's more of a factual inquiry, right? What did they do? What did they not
do? Did Gets Around commit errors that it could be held responsible for, that
led to Jane's death. The next response is you can't prove negligence. Now that
is a legal fiction, right? Because it's not saying they didn't do anything
wrong, it's not that they didn't do anything that caused Jane's death, is that
they didn't do anything that meets the four elements of negligence, such that
you can prove negligence. Number four, Gets Around could argue, "Hey, Jane
signed a waiver. She signed a contractual release and pursuant to the terms of
the release, your family cannot sue us for what happened to her." And then
there's implied assumption of the risk, which is yet another legal fiction,
But as implied assumption of the risk is a common law doctrine by which an
individual engaged in an activity and impliedly assumed the risks thereof, and
I am oversimplifying that doctrine. Now we're gonna talk a little bit more
about that later on. It gets very complicated. So the first thing you're gonna
wanna ask as an attorney is, does federal or state law apply? Well, that's when
we're gonna start talking about what I like to refer to as the US Legal
Trinity, and the US Legal Trinity, is this relationship there is between
statutory law, common law, and contract law, right? These are the three ways
that under US law, you will find authority to determine who is going to be held
responsible for what happened to Jane.
So, let's take a little wander first and talk about statutory law. Well, there
are a number of states, which in my master's thesis, and then later in my
doctoral thesis, which is what resulted in my book, which is "Managing
Liability Exposure for Commercial Human Space Flight Participants," I
identified what I would call space friendly states. And these are states that
passed space activities statutes, and these are statutes that were meant to
somewhat protect the commercial human space flight operators that avail
themselves of the laws under those particular states.
And at this point, of course you notice we are talking about state level law.
Okay, the states in particular are Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, New
Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas, Virginia. When you're looking at these space activity
statutes, there are pieces of their anatomy that you're gonna be looking at to
try to understand them. And what I did is that I identified these pieces of
their anatomy. And then I broke them down to try to compare them to each other,
right? Like if there's a head, you compare it to the head, the leg, to the leg,
the arm, to the arm, right? So you can understand how these space activity
statutes are same and how they defer from each other. So the things that I
looked at were, first, how did they define a space flight entity? Because on
paper, those space activity statutes are supposed to apply to space flight
entities, but how they define them can actually be different.
It can be the licensee, so the person who actually got the license from the FAA
to conduct the suborbital flight, it can include the subcontractors,
contractors, and service providers of that licensee, which as you can see, as
you can understand, would significantly expand the envelope of protection that
that statute is offering. I also looked at how the statutes defined space
flight participants, space flight activities, and that is very important. What
consists of a space flight activity actually is not identical for every space
friendly state. And this is where a lot of the analysis ended up taking place
in my thesis and where we're gonna focus on a bit of this presentation.
The next one is the other very important piece of these space flight activity
statutes, and that is the degree of culpability that they protect from, right?
So if an operator is operating in Texas and they manage to avail themselves of
the space activity statute in Texas, are they allowed to claim that they are
immune from liability for their own negligence, for their own gross negligence?
And for their willful acts? Of course not, right? I'm jumping right in right
away. None of the statutes protect for willful acts, but negligence and gross
negligence, there's some wiggle room there. And then I looked at what the
statutory requirements were in each of the states, right? What did it operator
have to do in order to avail themselves of the protections of that statutes?
So, let's first start with definitions of space flight entity, Arizona,
Colorado, Florida, and Oklahoma took the most broad definition of a space
flight entity. And that is consistent with federal law. And it's basically
anyone that was reviewed by the FAA during the licensing process, fine,
California took a very narrow view of a space flight entity and only included
license holders, right? So just the person who is licensed. So in this case, it
would be just Gets Around. And then New Mexico had a kind of in between option,
and in New Mexico, space flight entity under the statute is defined as the
license holder and manufacturer or supplier of components, services or
vehicles, right?
So it's not everybody, but it's more than just the licensee. The next
definition that I looked at was the space flight participant, no surprises
there, actually everybody, all the states just used space flight participant is
the same as that defined in federal law. Federal law, super excitingly defines
it as anyone on the flight that is not crew, boom, that's easy, done.
Activities, okay, so California, Colorado, Florida, Virginia, Oklahoma defines
space flight activity as launch and reentry. Okay, but Arizona, Texas, and New
Mexico defines space fight activities as including training prelaunch
activities on orbit events and post reentry procedure, including crew and space
fight participant recovery. That's very broad. And if you've watched my first
lecture, the 101 Space Law, you will immediately notice, "Hey, wait a
minute, federal law, the FA does not have jurisdiction over on orbit
activities, right? And California, Colorado, Florida, Virginia, Oklahoma, are
consistent with that in that they're not claiming that space flight activity
includes on orbit activities, but Arizona, Texas, and New Mexico have stepped
out of that zone and said, wait a minute, anything that's on orbit, we're gonna
have jurisdiction over that. Even though the FA, the US federal government
actually does not have jurisdiction over that particular segment of the flight.
Okay, here is where things get pretty complicated. And you may wanna spend some
time looking at this chart.
So, the way the chart is set up is that I'm looking at whether or not the
degree of culpability is immunized, in the sense of is the operator protected,
right? So, Arizona does not define the degree of culpability, which is actually
a key to its survival. And we're gonna talk about that later, 'cause there's
gonna be a big question of preemption and Arizona probably survives in part
because it does not pin itself to a degree of culpability, but all the other
states have degrees of culpability in there. So for instance, Colorado,
Florida, New Mexico, the operator is probably not protected for their own
negligence. And which begs the question, if you're not protected for your own
negligence and you're not protected for what you knew or should have known,
what are you being protected from? And this is actually unfortunately the
result of a law that came to be for one purpose and then was basically
negotiated out of existence on paper, but allowed to pass, even though it no
longer achieves the goals that it was set out to achieve. In Texas, Virginia,
Oklahoma, and California, an operator which availed itself of the space
friendly statute in that state will in fact be protected for its own
negligence, and will probably be protected for what they knew and should have
known, but will not be protected for gross negligence. And obviously, will not
be protected for willful and want, which is pretty standard in US common law.
But all of this was before 2015, and in 2015, the federal government passed the
Competitiveness Act. And I was in the middle of writing my thesis and the law
changed completely, and I had to start over. And now we're gonna take a little
detour through federal law. This was gonna be a quick review for those who took
my Space Law 101 course, and then we're gonna delve into how the law changed
and how that impacts the landscape. So the US constitution gives the federal
government jurisdiction over interstate travel, right? And so Congress took
over that power as the legislative branch and enacted the United States code,
but it then needed one of the executive agencies to take over the United States
code and translate into federal regulations so that it could be enacted and
enforced. And so the federal aviation administration is actually the agency
that is in charge of space flight activities in the United States. And they do
so through the code of federal regulations. And the FA does not have infinite
jurisdiction. The FA has jurisdiction over launch, reentry, and launch sites.
It does not have jurisdiction over on orbit activities, pre-launch activities,
and post reentry activities. So let's talk about the Competitiveness Act. It
was passed in 2015. And under 51, USC 509114, the federal government gave
federal jurisdiction over space flight activities and disputes arising there
from, so the language is federal jurisdiction, any claim by a third party or
space flight participant. So are Jane Plaine and her family, for death, bodily
injury or property damage or loss resulting from an activity carried out under
the license, the FAA license shall be the exclusive jurisdiction of the federal
courts. Snap, no more state courts interpreting those space activity statutes.
But what we're gonna focus on today is the second part. Under 51 USC 50914,
cross waivers became mandatory between commercial human space flight operators
and space flight participants. And that was not the case until 2015, which
means that we now have an overlay over our Trinity of state law, state common
law, state statutory law, state contract law, we now have to overlay federal
common law state, sorry, federal contract law and federal statutory law because
there is, one, federal jurisdiction and, two, federal cross waivers. So how are
we going to interpret those under state law? No, we have a big issue of
preemption. And so the next question that I had to pose myself was how much of
the space activity statute survived? So let's take just a minute to talk about
preemption. Under Roth v. Norfalco, this is of course preemption has existed a
long time. I just liked this language from 2011, the Constitution's Supremacy
Clause elevates federal law above that of the states providing Congress with
the power to preempt state legislation, if it's so intense. Okay, clear, right?
No, not at all. Aaron O'Connor and Larry Stein, fantastic scholars wrote this
great article only in 2013 where they wrote preemption doctrine is plagued by
both indeterminacy and incoherence. These problems likely reflect the
inevitable tension in a federal system between the appeal of having one clearly
applicable federal policy and a commitment to preserving state and local
sovereign authority. So, what are we gonna do? Well, let's talk about what
preemption looks like. First, there's not one type of preemption, there's
There's express preemption, field preemption, and implied conflict preemption.
Express preemption is when the federal government says, this is our sandbox and
the states don't get to play in it. Okay, the second one is field preemption,
where the federal government doesn't say that, but where they create laws that
are so overarching and so thorough that they are basically taking over the
field, right? There's no space left for the states. And then there's implied
conflict preemption, and this is somewhat reductive. But for purposes of this
lecture, think of it of, if someone cannot comply with both state and federal
law, then federal law is gonna win. So the Competitiveness Act actually has a
clause, and it's a preemption clause. The first one is, the first part of 51
USC 50919C says, that a state or political subdivision of a state may adopt or
have an effect, a law regulations standard or other inconsistent or order,
sorry, inconsistent with this chapter. That is the express clause. That is the
federal government saying, this is my sandbox, but then they add, but may adopt
or have an effect, a law regulation standard or order consistent with this
chapter that is in addition to, or more stringent than a requirement of
regulation prescribed under this chapter. This is traditionally called a
savings clause, which is meant to say, okay, this is our sandbox, but you can
play in that corner, right? Or you can play with us according to these rules.
So I did what any lawyer or would do. I ran case law and article searches, and
guess what? Zero case citations for that language, as it is expressed in the
express clause, zero case law with language as reflected in the savings clause.
And there are two articles which are by Blas and Game and Schaffer. And
Professor Schaffer was on my thesis committee just to indicate the fact that
there is no clarity and that there is no answer about what the government meant
and how we're supposed to apply it as practitioners, and certainly no guidance
as to how judges are going to have to apply it when they have to interpret it.
So let's talk a little bit about field preemption. When federal regulation in a
field is so pervasive as to make reasonable, the inference, that Congress left
no room for the states to supplement it. And that's from Drake v. LabCorp of
American Holdings, and that is a 2003 case, but there's a savings clause, as
I've mentioned, and O'Connor and Stein's date, by including a savings clause,
Congress made it clear that it intend for federal and state law to continue
coexisting. But what does that mean for space law? The next type of preemption
is implied conflict preemption, which I touched upon earlier, and implied
conflict preemption applies either way. It is impossible to comply with both
state and federal requirements or where the state stands as an obstacle to the
accomplishment and execution of the full purpose and objectives of Congress.
All right, so there are compliance issues, right? State, if you look at these
basic statutes and you look at the Federal Competitiveness Act, what we're
going to look at, right? The analytical framework to understand whether there
is implied conflict preemption is what do the state space activity statutes
require of the commercial human space like operators and what they give the
commercial human space flight operators in return in terms of degree and scope
of immunity? So the first topic that I looked at was the entity. Under the
Competitiveness Act, the waiver, the mandatory cross waiver has to be signed,
has to release of liability, the licensee, the contractors, the subcontractors,
and the service providers. And that is actually overall consistent with the
space activity statute. So with respect to the entities that they cover, you
can't really argue that there is conflict preemption because they're consistent
with the exception of California. And I would submit that the argument can be
made, that there is a conflict between California and the federal law because
federal cross waiver evidently was meant to provide broader protection than the
California Act.
So under that analysis, I would say that the California Act is probably
preempted and no longer effective. The next thing that I looked at was
activity, right? And I've already mentioned it, but I'm gonna mention it again.
The FA has jurisdiction over launch reentry and launch site. The space activity
statute have self appointed jurisdiction over different types of activities and
different phases of a sub-orbital flight. So that is where we're gonna spend
some time analyzing and discussing. The next thing that we look at is the
definition of space flight participant, which is the same across the board.
That's easy to take care of. And then we're gonna look at degree of
Okay, so here's something that's interesting. The federal government did not
actually tell us what the waiver should look like. And the reason that is
peculiar is because it did do that when the waiver was between the US
government and the space flight participant, there is actually a template out
there that is a form, it's in the appendix to the FAA regulations, but there is
no such thing for space flight participants. So the best thing to do as a
practitioner would likely be to take that waiver between the US government and
the space flight participant, and then just apply it to the contractor as well,
sorry, to the operator, the contractors, the subcontractors, everybody down the
line. And that's usually referred to as a waiver with a flow down of provision.
If you look at that template that was created for US and space flight
participants, the waiver is very broad and it immunizes against liability for
all degrees of culpability except willful misconduct, but under federal law,
willful misconduct includes gross negligence because if you've ever had to look
at this and I've done this, there's no actually definition of the degrees of
negligence in federal jury patterns, because as Dobbs says it in his treatise,
there is no federal torque law, it just doesn't exist. And so you're trying to
look at the tea leaves, and there is a little bit of case law that says that
willful misconduct includes gross negligence. And then you have to try to
understand, well, hold on, does gross negligence at the federal level, do those
words mean the same thing as gross negligence in each of those space friendly
states? And if that is the case, then is the waiver inconsistent with federal
law or are they consistent with each other? Are they immunizing the same degree
of liability or are they not? And this is what I ended up with, in Arizona,
because there is no definition of that degree of culpability, and because
Arizona has such a broad definition of what consists of space flight activity,
it's probably not preempted. If you look at California, the operators are
protected for engaging in negligence. And then newer should have known is not a
term that's used. They're not protected for gross negligence and they're not
protected for willful unwanted conduct. Okay, so if under federal law, willful
misconduct means gross negligence. And if gross negligence under federal law
means same thing as it into federal law, that it does under California law,
then we're good, right? You are protected to the same extent for the same
degree of culpability.
Under Colorado, you are probably as an operator, not protected for your own
negligence and you're not protected for what you knew or should have known. And
if that's the case, then this is inconsistent with the federal waiver. And
therefore, I would argue that the competitive snacked with its mandatory cross
waiver preempts Colorado space activity statute, the same logic applies to
Florida and to New Mexico, right? If you are not protected for negligence or
actions where you knew or should have known of the risk, then that is
inconsistent with the cross waiver, which based on the language for the
template we found protects an operator for everything up to, but excluding
gross negligence. In Texas, you, an operator would be exempt from liability.
Would be protected from liability for negligence and what you knew or should
have known, and not for gross negligence. And then willful unwanted is not
mentioned. And the same thing largely is true for Virginia. You're protected
for your own negligence and you are protected in Oklahoma from your own
negligence, if you're an operator. And so the conflict preemption would knock
out Colorado, Florida, and New Mexico, but now the other states only on the
issue though, let's be careful, only on the issue of the degree of culpability,
'cause that was where I started, because that was gonna be the big crux, right?
The big battle, how much protection am I getting? And am I getting less
protection if you put me under state law? And if the answer is yes, as an
operator, I get less protection under space law under state law, then federal
law should apply, I'll certainly argue it does apply. And I would have probably
a very good argument about preemption.
The next piece of the analysis for me was looking at the definition of space
flight activities, right? So, I said this to you earlier, that California,
Colorado, Florida, Virginia, and Oklahoma limit their space flight activity
statute to applying to launch and reentry. Arguably, there is field preemption,
arguably because the federal government has jurisdiction explicitly over launch
and reentry. And it has passed a law that not only says that there is a
mandatory cross waiver, but that there is federal jurisdiction over disputes
arising from space flight activities, then there is a good argument that those
states' statutes, regardless of the language, regardless of what they say or
don't say are out, they're done, but Arizona, Texas, and New Mexico would
survive under these space flight activities definition analysis, because they
include training pre-launch activities on orbit events and post reentry
procedure, including crew and space flight participant recovery.
All right, so let's take a moment to think about Jane Plaine, right? Jane
Plaine was on a 14 hour flight before she got to the launch site, and it was a
flight that was given to her, that was offered to her and all the other space flight
participants by Gets Around. And it was condemned by a sister company of Gets
Around. If it was part of the training and the training was part of what was
disclosed to DFA, which it most likely had to be, then there is an argument,
right? That if what killed her, and obviously I put a lot of red herrings, but
if what killed her is a pulmonary embolism from a very long fight during which
she took meds, fell asleep, and didn't move for 14 hours, then there is a good
argument that even though it wasn't the actual sub-orbital flight that hurt
her, Gets Around is responsible because they were in charge, right? Well, let
me rephrase that, 'cause I just tricked myself there. They are liable because
they were responsible for that flight and the conduct of that flight is part
and parcel of their activities, okay? And the same is true for post flight
activities, if she, for example, had an allergic reaction to the food, right?
She disclosed her allergy, they fed her something she wasn't supposed to. The
company is a sister company of Gets Around, a subcontractor, right? And if
they're the ones that harmed her, this is a post reentry activity 'cause it's a
party everybody is there, and it's organized by the operator.
So while federal law would say that's none of my business anymore, because what
happens before the launch and after reentry is not under federal jurisdiction,
it may well fall under a space activity in the states like Arizona, Texas, and
New Mexico. And it may therefore fall under the state statute, and this is a
very long, and because it is a complex question, which is a long way to say
that while federal law may have been the one governing the relationship during
the launch and the reentry, if the operator availed itself of space activity
statute under Arizona, Texas, and New Mexico, actually under Texas and Arizona,
and I'll remind you why in a second, then they may have an argument that there
is immunity, but only if they were able to avail themselves of a space flight
activity statute under those two states. And the reason I excluded New Mexico
was because you remember, but I'm gonna remind you if you don't, that New
Mexico got kicked out on the issue of degree of culpability, right? That's
So the only two states that survive the preemption analysis when the dust
settles are Texas and Arizona. So what does it look like? All right, this is a
diagram of what I was explaining earlier. And this is for an orbital
trajectory, which is gonna be different from a suborbital trajectory, which is the
subject of our hypothetical. But hang in there with me just a second, right? So
if you are looking at an orbital trajectory and the activities go from
screening to training, testing, launch, on orbit reentry, crew recovery, and
post flight assessment, right? You would have Texas and Arizona's basicity
statutes governing the screening training testing, part of the orbital
trajectory. You would also have any liability waivers that were entered into,
right? Contracts would still apply, and you would have state common law. Okay.
If you're launching out of a state that is not Texas and Arizona, you're still
gonna have state common life issues, right? Well, did you put them on the
flight that was 14 hours long knowing that there was a risk, it would cause a pulmonary
Yeah, well then, maybe you're liable, right? It's probably your fault, but it's
also maybe you're liable, and obviously, a defense or trainee would argue,
well, she's the one who decided to make her to put herself asleep and not
follow directions about getting up and walking around and taking care of
yourself, so on and so forth, okay. During the launch, the operator and the
space flight participant's relationship is governed by the mandatory cross
waiver. That's easy because now you have Competitiveness Act and you have
preemption of the field, then you have, and sorry, and also implied conflict
preemption, right?
Okay, on orbit, you would be subject to international law. You would still be
subject to state common law. There's no reason why state common law doesn't
apply to a citizen of California who decides to go on a sub-orbital flight. And
then you would be subject to optional waivers, whatever waivers or express
assumptions of the risk the parties enter into, whatever contract they entered
into waving claims by the participants and their families. And then when you
reenter, you're back under mandatory federal cross waivers, and after reentry,
you fall back into the lap of Texas and in Arizona space activity statute, if
the operator chose to avail themselves with them, liability waivers and state
common law. And for sub-orbital trajectories, you're looking at something very
similar. You're looking at the same thing in the pre-launch, Texas Arizona
space activity statutes. If the operator chose to avail themselves by following
the requirements of those statutes, there's liability waivers state common law,
then you're under mandatory federal cross waivers for the launch and the
reentry. So verbal trajectory because its suborbital, does not have an orbit
component. And then after reentry, you're back under Texas and Arizona space
activity statutes, if they avail themselves of them, liability waivers and
state common law, which creates a bit of a Swiss cheese situation when figuring
out what law applies to what.
So what's left to look at? Okay, well, contracts and common law. Under
contracts, there's two things to look at. First, the federal mandatory cross
waivers that we've discussed, and second, waivers under state law. What are the
requirements for the waivers? When are they enforced? When are they not
enforced? Similarly, you're gonna wanna look at common law. As I told you,
according to Dobbs and his treatise, there is no federal law of torts. So if
you're looking at common law, you are basically going to be looking at the
doctrine of assumption of the risk across the states. If you doubted me, here
is my citation, the law of torts, section 136, there is no general federal law
of torts. Okay, federal common law of torts. All right, so let's talk about
express assumption of the risk. Contractual waivers, that's a pretty broad
inquiry, right? And in my treatise, I actually looked at express assumption of
the risk, which is another way of call it, of referring to waivers in
jurisdiction all over the United States.
But for now, let's look at the eight space friendly states, okay? First,
there's going to be common factors that courts look at basically across the
country. And these are very well summarized in this particular quote, the areas
of controversy include whether there were gross disparities between the party's
bargaining power, whether the agreement was freely and fairly made, whether the
agreement applied to the defendant's alleged misconduct, and whether the
activity is one involving the public interest. All right, so if we break these
down into a multifactorial test, as we learned in law school, you're looking at
knowledge, you're looking at power, you're looking at how society feels about
it, and you're looking at whether it applies to the activity. Okay, so for
space flight and space activities, what we're talking about is this. Under
knowledge, the parties will be looking at the informed consent process, which
is mandatory under federal law.
In order for an operator to fly a space flight participant, they have to go
through an informed consent process and there are six particular topics that
have to be covered. And so the breadth, the understandability, the clarity and
how this conversation is memorialized are going to be critical to the analysis
of whether there was full knowledge, right? Full appreciation of the dangers
that were being undertaken. Next, the question of power, is actually going to
be in my opinion, and obviously, there's no analysis of this, not very complicated
because you're dealing right now at this time, the way the industry is
happening, you're dealing with high net worth individuals and CHSF operators,
right? So you're dealing with people who have lawyers, who have accountants,
who have doctors, who have everything they need to really understand and be
able to negotiate and bargain and push back if there's conditions that they
don't want. And then society, well, the question are, is this what society
wants or needs? Does the government agree with these agreements? Are they
somehow unlawful? And here, preemption is a big, big light going, just blaring,
just the sound, br-br-br. There is no way that someone will be able to argue
that waivers in a space flight activity context are not what the government
wants, are not what society wants, why? Because the federal government made the
mandatory. So evidently, there is a will to create immunity, to protect the
operators from at least a certain degree of liability.
So public interest I think, is basically done with the enactment of the
Competitiveness Act. And then there's a question of inheritance, is the danger
inherent? Does it matter? Well, in California, it doesn't, this would take a
whole other lecture to discuss inherent and what's considered inherent and what's
not considered inherent. And what parts of an activity are considered as
naturally creating risk and what are not. So in California, the inherence
doesn't matter, but in Texas it does, because in Texas, everything that is
inherent to the activity basically falls under the activity. So if you're
immunized for anything that is related to the activity, it includes anything
that's inherent in the activity. I mentioned this, and now we're gonna delve
into it a little bit more. The issue of preemption is big.
So I've talked to you about appendix E, not by name, but now you know it's
appendix E of CFR part 440, and this is the language I was referring to. This
is the language between the government and the SFP, which I am assuming will be
the one that practitioners will want to apply between the SFP and the operator,
and appendix E says, space flight participant shall hold harmless, the United
States and its contractors and sub-contractors for bodily injury, including
death or property damage sustained by space flight participant from licensed
permitted activities, regardless of fault. Okay, but hold on, regardless of
fault, except it's in a different section of the appendix, to the extent that
as provided in section six B of this agreement, claims result from the willful
misconduct of the United States or its agents. Okay, so I was trying to
interpret a federal waiver and I was trying to understand what does it have to
look like? What would I try to challenge it with?
If I was trying to say, I didn't want it to apply, right? If I'm Jane Plaine's
lawyer. So what I looked at were federal waivers under maritime law, because
they're the closest you get under federal law to this kind of scenario, and
under maritime law, a pre-accident waiver absolves the defendant of liability
for recreational activities on navigable waters. If the exculpatory clause is
clear and ambiguous, is not inconsistent with public policy, and is not an
additional contract. Well, if I were to apply these criteria to a space flight
waiver, I would not have a good argument as to any of them. I'm gonna start
from the bottom. Is it an addition contract? When someone pays a quarter
million dollars to take a sub-orbital flight, it's not an initial contract.
They're making this as a completely optional event, right? And as I said,
they're high net worth individuals who have the power and ability to negotiate
or fight back or review what they wanna do about this or not do the flight at
all. Two, is it not inconsistent with public policy? Well, any defense attorney
worth the result would say, how can it be inconsistent with public policy if
it's the one that's contained in appendix E of the FAA regulations, right?
Yeah, not gonna win that argument. And third, clear and ambiguous, well,
there's a little wiggle room there, but if someone has gone through the
informed consent process and then there is language that says that you are
immunized, except, regardless of fault, that's a big, broad wording. And then
in field, regardless of fault, except for willful misconduct, I think it's hard
to say that it's unclear or somehow ambiguous about what it is that they're
releasing. So if I were to look at this federal waiver and I would, well, we're
gonna use the same one for space flight activities, I would say, you know what?
More likely than not it's gonna be upheld.
So the next thing I would look at, right? So remember when I looked at that
little chart, right? If we've wanna look at it again, I now understand that
likely if the fault, right? If the responsibility happened during the launch in
the reentry, and there is, as there is supposed to be a federal mandatory cross
waiver in place, it's going to be very hard to prove liability. So the next
step would be to take a step back and say, okay, but what if the thing that
hurt my client happened pre-launch or post reentry, and what if we're not under
Arizona and Texas statute, right? We're just under good, old fashioned common
law. Then what you would fall back onto is assumption of the risk, right? The
operator would say, look, they assumed the risk. This is how the argument would
go. Here's a cross waiver, right? 'Cause cross waiver applies. You can make it
apply to the entire activity. It doesn't have to be limited, right? The FAA
only has jurisdiction of a launch and reentry, but you can write up the
contract to say, and by the way, this regardless of fall, language applies to
all of it, everything at all times, okay. If that fails, then the last resort
is saying, look, under common law, there is an assumption of the risk. You
decided to put yourself on a suborbital flight. You understood there were
risks, okay? Jane Plaine family, I'm so sorry, but she got on a plane. She
understood what was gonna happen, she put herself to sleep for 14 hours. And
then she got on the sub-orbital flight and then she ate something funny and she
didn't tell anybody about it, and she went to bed. Throughout, you try to make
the argument that throughout those things, she just assumed the risk of what
she was doing.
So what does it look like, right? What does assumption of the risk that I keep
talking about? Well, assumption of the risk is the norm when you're referring
to this doctrine we're talking about, but there are anywhere from two to six
types of assumption of the risk in the US. And I'm gonna define it broadly, but
just keep in mind that this is a very reductive definition and you can
absolutely find a variety of ways that courts have defined this concept, this
doctrine, which is why I'm referring to it as last resort. Assumption of the
risk means that if someone does something dangerous and sufficiently
appreciates the risk it entails, then get hurts for or dies in the process,
when they are their grieving family sue the operator, the operator can argue
that the participant assumed of the risk of the activity and can therefore
avoid liability.
And there has been difficulty with this for a number of reasons. One of them is
that it's very difficult to incorporate into the comparative negligence
framework. And therefore, that difficulty means that even though assumption of
the risk is how it's normally referred to nowadays, it's actually going away as
a doctrine because it's so difficult to incorporate into comparative
negligence, which is what is actually taking over now. Just as Frankfurt of
1943 wrote this great sentence, which I found, and it's actually at the front
of my master's thesis, 'cause I thought, well, that's the answer, right? Kind
of, the phrase assumption of the risk is an excellent illustration of the
extent to which uncritical use of words, but doubles the law. A phrase begins
the life as a literary expression, its felicity leads to its lazy repetition
and repetition soon establishing it as a legal formula, undiscriminating used
to express different and sometimes contradictory ideas. And that's true.
According to most commentators and a growing number of courts, the tort of
doctrine of assumption of risk should be abolished. That was 1987. It hasn't
happened yet, but as I said, it's just getting really complicated to include it
in the way courts now handle negligence.
So there are two types of assumption of the risk. The first one is primary
assumption of the risk. And this says that there is no duty to protect from
risks that if removed would fundamentally alter the activity. Okay, but still
there is a duty not to increase risks beyond those inherent in the activity.
Inherent risk is really, really hard to define when you are dealing with
something like commercial human space flight. And I'm gonna tell you why, because
we don't have a lot of information about the risks of suborbital flights. The
data that we have is for a very small group of individuals who are professional
astronauts, who were trained to do this, and who had a certain level of
physical fitness before they engage in these activities. We are now taking
people from the public, right? With whatever underlying conditions they have,
underlying health issues, underlying limitations, and taking them up for a
suborbital flight.
So while we understand some of the risks, we don't understand all of
them. And so there's a question about how well can you really explain what is
inherent and what is not inherent, right? So that's one thing that comes up for
the aerospace community. But I wanna spend a little bit more time explaining to
you these two concepts. So there's no duty to protect from risks that if
removed would fundamentally alter the activity, I'm gonna give you an example.
There was a case about a motorbike, right? So a bike ride, but it was motorbikes
in California, and someone got hurt. I think one of the bikes fell over and
then it made other bikes fall over. And that was an accident and people got
hurt, and the court said, yeah, the whole point of a motorbike is that you are
balancing on it, right? You can't make the motorbike safer in that respect and
still call it a motorbike. And also it was like a bike parade. And so the
plaintiffs were saying, well, that was really dangerous to have so many people
altogether are doing a bike parade. And the court said, yeah, but if you remove
the element of parade from a bike parade, then it's not a parade anymore,
right? I can't remove that element of risk and still engage in the activity as
it is, okay? And we're not talking about an activity that is so dangerous that
it shouldn't be done ever, ever, ever, ever. That's what they mean when they're
saying, look, I can't make the activity safer and still call it that activity,
but what about the second part, right? How do you have a duty not to increase
risks beyond those inherent activity? There's a good Colorado case about that.
So, there were some skiers and I believe that they were maybe employee that
built a jump and they had, people were jumping, taking the jump and then
landing, and the difference between not making something more dangerous than it
needs to be and allowing something to be as dangerous as it has to be, is this
is a really good example. If somebody takes the jump and lands bad and hurt
themselves, that's an inherent risk of jumping, right? I can't make the jump
safer and still call it a jump. That's just what it is.
But, and this is what had happened in that case, if there's a piece of snowplow
equipment that is left under the snow at the landing zone and somebody lands
and hurt themselves on the equipment, then what hurt them is not the jump, what
hurt them is the equipment, right? So the equipment made the activity more
dangerous unnecessarily so, and in a way that is not required for that activity
to take place, that is where you're looking at primary assumption of the risk,
there is no duty to protect from the risks, that if removed would fundamentally
alter the activity, but there is a duty not to increase risks beyond those
inherent in the activity, right? So primary assumption of the risk, and this is
really the thing that the first time I understood it caught my attention.
Primary assumption of the risk actually has nothing to do with assumption of
the risk, it has to do with the existence and the extent of duty, that's
primary assumption of the risk. Secondary assumptions of the risk is what we
more traditionally, and I think what you would've understood as assumption of
the risk when you came into this lecture, secondary assumption of the risk is,
look, the plaintiff knew of a risk and fully appreciated that risk, and still
chose to undertake the activity.
So the common understanding requires an inter plaintiff to knowingly and freely
expose him or herself to a risk of harm, which takes us back to inherent risk,
right? It is what happened to them, a risk that they understood, right?
Knowingly, and that they freely expose themselves to that risk. So what's an
inherent risk? And this is where I get on my soapbox for just a few minutes,
because fault may or may not be a fact, but it doesn't automatically have legal
significance, right? Someone can be at fault for something, but they may not be
legally liable. Liability is a fiction. Liability is the satisfaction of the
four elements of negligence, right? Duty breach, two types of causation damages.
And that is a fiction, right? It is a construct of the legal community to try
to have portion fault in a way that is illegally enforceable. Then there's
assumption of the risk, which is probably even more so than anything else, a
fiction, and we just talked about it, right? It's trying to parse out what
somebody can and cannot be responsible for, and what somebody had or did it not
have a duty for, okay. But the one fact in between, the one that keep going
back to is what is an inherent risk. And I really would exort legal
practitioners to go into the analysis of what is an inherent risk with a truth
seeking eye. And that's really hard, I understand when you're advocating for
your client, but we truly, we have the opportunity to shape jurisprudence over
space flight activities. And we have the opportunity to create good law and to
marry good science with good law, to be honest and accurate, to the extent
possible about what is an inherent risk of space light activities, what is not
an inherent risk, and to truly hold operators responsible when they should be
held responsible and not fabricate, right? Not make inherent risk of fiction
So, let's spend a couple of minutes talking about Jane Plaine and her
situation, because that was the hypothetical that we started off with. Jane
Plaine got on a plane for 14 hours, put herself to sleep, which is, we all know
this right, is a risk factor for pulmonary embolism, which is why I put the
chest pains at the end of the story. And in part, I did that because I'm not a
physician, but I had a pulmonary embolism in October of 2020. And I figured,
well, I know how that feels. So I put that in there. And then she does this
suborbital flight, which seems to be uneventful. And then she goes to this
dinner where they probably feed her something they're not supposed to feed her,
and she may or may not have had an allergic reaction. And then she goes to bed
and she dies, okay. So the question is, this goes around responsible. Well,
let's take it through, right? They probably had her sign a waiver, and it was
probably broad, but did it include the effect of a long flight? I don't know.
And is the long flight and inherent risk of space flight activities? If you
have a really broad definition of space flight activities, that includes the
training, the pre-launch activities, yeah, it does. And the operator might be
in trouble because it would fall under the definition, right?
Arguably, you would have a very fact intensive analysis about whether they
warned her, that she needed to walk around whether they warned her, that it's
dangerous for you to sit in your seat the whole time, so on and so forth. And
that's probably an easy fix for the company to have taken care of, right? And
then the question is, did she assume the risk of a pulmonary embolism by
sleeping 14 hours on the plane? Maybe, maybe not. And so there's a lot of gray
in there. The suborbital flight itself is supposed to be an eventful and
there's no trick, it really isn't eventful.
The question I would really pose for that pre-flight activity is, did the
company engage in conduct that rose to the level of gross negligence? And my
answer to that would be absolutely not. They put her on a plane, they landed
her safely, bad stuff happens, right? But they weren't grossly negligent, I
think there's a little bit of a different analysis when you're looking at the
allergic reaction, if that's in fact what killed her, because in that case,
right? They are feeding her something that she told them not to feed her. And
this is a Gets Around activity that is conducted by one of their companies. And
so even if you were to take the language of the federal cross waiver, and even
if you were to take it under state law interpretation, I think though there,
that behavior would rise to the level of gross negligence, which they're not
protected from. And so if they did poison her with allergic food, they're
probably liable. If she died from the flight, I would say they probably aren't.
But the question is going to really come down to causation. What is it that
killed her?
And I'm gonna give you one final example, which to me was really a turning
point when I was writing my thesis. There was a case from Florida and it was an
assumption of the risk case where a boxer went in the ring and had the fight
and the fight caused a subdural hematoma, right? He had a bleed in his brain.
He got out of the ring, he wasn't doing well. And it took a long time for the
medics to show up. It took a long time for him to get help, and he died. And
the organizers, when they got sued by the family said, yeah, getting punched in
the head is like 101 of boxing. I don't know why we're having this lawsuit,
it's an inherent risk. Getting punched in the head is an inherent risk of
boxing. But the court said is, which is why I'm so fixated on this post
recovery stuff. The court said, punch in the head, yeah, that's inherent,
having to wait court side for medics to show up with a brain bleed, that's not
inherent, that's negligent.
And so they found the organizers responsible, which is why what caused it and
when is going to become of critical importance when analyzing suborbital flight
events, bodily injury or death, because it's really going to come back down to
when did the injury happen? Really what caused it? And that will trigger a
whole series of different analyses under different types of law that will have
very different consequences for finding of liability. Now I'm really done.
Thank you so much for listening today to this one hour CLE, my name is Giugi
Carminati. Feel free to reach out. Thank you so much for hanging out with me
for this hour. And I hope that you learned something, and I hope that you found
this interesting. Have a great day, weekend, week, month, holiday, whatever it
is that you're doing right now, and see you soon, bye.