Discovery And E Discovery CLE

Quimbee's discovery and e discovery continuing legal education (CLE) courses deliver the content lawyers need with engaging videos that are fun to watch.

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    Discovery And E Discovery FAQ

    Quimbee Discovery and E-discovery CLE Online

    If you’re looking for a simple, engaging way to learn about discovery and e-discovery and fulfill your continuing legal education (CLE) requirements, look no further than Quimbee CLE online. All Quimbee CLE online courses are built from the ground up by our world-class team of attorneys and designers. Our goal is to create a product that will not only help you meet your CLE requirements but will actually be enjoyable. Sign up for a Quimbee CLE course today!

    An Overview of Discovery and E-discovery

    Discovery (or, in the digital case, e-discovery) is the process of identifying, collecting, and producing information in response to a request for production in a legal proceeding. This information can include anything from emails, social media, texts, and cell phone data, global positioning system (GPS) data, documents, presentations, databases, voicemail, apps, or any other digital record. At the federal level, e-discovery is governed primarily by the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.

    Lawyers dealing with cases of all sizes need to be familiar with the tools and methods of e-discovery, as sorting through thousands of emails and other electronic records have become a vital aspect of the litigation process. E-discovery is now ubiquitous; the provision of e-discovery tools has become a massive market, with the global e-discovery market expected to reach over $20 billion by 2024.

    Who Should Take CLE Courses in Discovery and E-discovery?

    All attorneys involved in litigation or investigation are likely to have some exposure to discovery and e-discovery during their careers. Because so much of daily life is now online, it is inevitable that electronic evidence will continue to play an increasing role in adjudications. Lawyers also need to be especially cognizant of the ethical implications and data-security needs associated with e-discovery. To get a better grasp of the latest developments in discovery, e-discovery, and the implications associated with these rapidly growing fields, try a Quimbee CLE course today!