Healthcare CLE

Quimbee's healthcare continuing legal education (CLE) courses deliver the content lawyers need with engaging videos that are fun to watch.

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    Quimbee Healthcare Law CLE Online

    If you're looking for a simple, engaging way to learn about healthcare law and fulfill your continuing legal education (CLE) requirements, look no further than Quimbee CLE online.

    All Quimbee CLE online courses are built from the ground up by our world-class team of attorneys and designers. Our goal is to create a product that will not only help you meet your CLE requirements, but will actually be enjoyable. Sign up for a Quimbee CLE course today!

    An Overview of Healthcare Law

    Healthcare law is an extensive, diverse field of law that encompasses all legal issues relating to the healthcare industry. Attorneys working in health care law may deal with—among other issues—access to care, insurance coverage, ethical choices, safety of food and drugs, and disease prevention. Health care attorneys might represent any number of parties in this industry, including hospitals, care centers, insurers, manufacturers, doctors, and patients themselves.

    The healthcare industry is highly regulated. Over the past 25 years, a number of major pieces of legislation have been enacted that have reshaped the health care industry. These laws include the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996, Pub.L. No. 104–191; the Children's Health Insurance Reauthorization Act of 2009, Pub.L. No. 111-3; and the Affordable Care Act of 2010, 42 U.S.C. § 18001. The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) also regularly issues regulations regarding the health of Americans.

    Who Should Take CLE Courses in Healthcare Law?

    Healthcare is one of the biggest industries in America. In 2018, Americans spent $3.65 trillion on health care. As the population ages, it is likely that the healthcare industry will only grow larger. Attorneys already in the industry (including insurance lawyers, medical-malpractice attorneys, personal-injury lawyers, and others), or those seeking to join a growing practice area, should consider taking a CLE course in healthcare law. And even lawyers who don't actively practice in health care would likely benefit from better understanding an industry that affects us all.