Emily Ingall, JD
Offit Kurman
Emily Ingall is an attorney in Offit Kurman's Family Law Practice Group. She represents clients in cases involving divorce, child custody and visitation, child support, alimony, property distribution, prenuptial and postnuptial agreements, adoption, and domestic custody disputes. She has focused her practice on all matrimonial matters, providing her services to clients in New Jersey, New York, and Maryland.
Emily received her Juris Doctorate from Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law in 2020 with a concentration in Family Law. While obtaining her J.D., Emily interned at the Benjamin N. Cardozo Divorce Mediation Clinic. She served as a Research Assistant for Matrimonial Law courses, having attended law school specifically to pursue the practice of Family Law.
Additionally, Emily served as both Staff Editor and, subsequently, Business Editor of Cardozo's Journal of Equal Rights and Social Justice, where her Note titled "A Presumption in Favor of Openness: Unsealing Adoption Records" was published.
Emily's passion for working with families began prior to her legal career when she interned at an adoption agency and liaised with adoptive and biological parents. She remains a fierce advocate for children, with particular concern for protecting the rights and well-being of children involved in any of her cases.