Rachel Meeropol
Senior Staff Attorney and the Associate Director of Legal Training and Education
Center for Constitutional Rights (“CCR”)
Rachel Meeropol is a Senior Staff Attorney and the Associate Director of Legal Training and Education at the Center for Constitutional Rights (“CCR”), where she has worked since 2002. Rachel represents federal prisoners in restrictive Communication Management Units, California prisoners held for decades in solitary confinement, and environmental and indigenous activists targeted for their organizing. Rachel is also lead counsel on Turkmen v. Ashcroft, a class action lawsuit against high-level federal officials for the post-911 detention and abuse of Muslim non-citizens, which she argued in the Supreme Court in 2016. Rachel has co-edited and written three editions of the Jailhouse Lawyers Handbook, a do-it-yourself litigation manual for prisoners distributed free by CCR and the National Lawyers Guild, and was the contributing editor of “America’s Disappeared: Secret Imprisonment, Detainees, and the War on Terror,” published in 2005 by Seven Stories Press. Rachel completed her undergraduate degree at Wesleyan University and graduated from NYU School of Law in 2002.