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As seen in:

Justin Donajkowski
Western Michigan University Cooley Law School
Class of 2028
Study Aids (Gold)
Neal Freeland
University of Washington School of Law
Class of 1970
Study Aids (Gold)
Sharon Stevens
Pepperdine University Rick J Caruso School of Law
Class of 2027
Study Aids (Gold)
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Here’s how Quimbee will help you reach the top of your law school class

The largest case briefs database. Ever.
Master your casebook readings with the world’s largest searchable database of case briefs. That’s 46,300+ case briefs keyed to 988 law school casebooks.

On-demand prep courses
Go from unprepared to exam-ready with unlimited access to Quimbee's online courses in 1L and upper-level subjects.

Practice questions with explanations
7,000+ multiple-choice practice questions to test your knowledge and application skills. Drafted by subject-matter experts with extensive training in authoring effective MCQs. Every question includes a detailed explanation of why the correct answer is correct and why the incorrect answers are incorrect. All application-style questions are designed to mimic Multistate Bar Examination (MBE) questions.

Issue spotters with model answers
Authored by real law professors. Every issue spotter emulates what you'd encounter on a real-world law school final or the Multistate Essay Examination. Designed to take only 30 minutes each.

Outlines and Quicklines
Use Quimbee Outlines to help study for final exams or prepare for the Multistate Bar Examination (MBE) ahead of the Uniform Bar Exam or the bar exams in Florida or California.

You'll have access to our library of 7,900+ flashcards, all tailored to the NCBE subject-matter outlines for the MBE and MEE. Drill through knowledge and application flashcards, rating your understanding of each card as you work through every legal topic.

Legal definitions
Search from 5,500+ legal definitions keyed to our case briefs. For each definition, we show you every rule of law from every case brief in our database that relates to that definition.

How-to guides
Read our guides on How to Write a Case Brief, How to Write an Outline, Preparing for Final Exams, Law School Exam Writing Guide, and more for can't-miss exam tips, guidance on answering essay questions, and insights into law school subjects.

AI-powered case brief simplifier
Better understand complex cases with a single click. You can choose to have our AI simplifier give you a brief summary outlining the straightforward facts and outcome of a case or boil the case brief down even further into key bullet points.