Alicia Wasula, PHD

Alicia Wasula, PHD, PhD


STM Weather

Dr. Alicia Wasula is a Certified Consulting Meteorologist and owns Shade Tree Meteorology, a firm which provides expert witness consulting services for litigation support. Alicia has over 20 years of teaching experience which has given her expertise in communication of scientific information in a clear, easy-to-understand style. Her research background serves as her foundation for understanding and interpreting weather data and conducting scientific analysis. As a small-business owner, she is constantly exploring how to enable individuals to understand and use weather information in a way that is most relevant to their needs. Whether she is communicating weather information to attorneys or juries for litigation purposes, property owners for weather preparedness training, or her students, her goal is to help people understand how the weather is important to them and use that information in a way which is most relevant to them.