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Starting at $19/month
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210+ issue spotters. Written by law professors. Be exam-ready with Quimbee Essay Practice Exams.
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Top students trust Quimbee Bar Review to help them pass the bar exam at an unparalleled price. Discover their success stories.
Starting at $1,199
Study over 1,600 real, licensed questions from past bar exams, plus Quimbee’s own sample-question bank.
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Quimbee Bar Review includes four diagnostic exams composed of real questions from past bar exams.
Beautifully designed video lessons that break down the toughest concepts tested on the bar exam into bite-sized, entertaining chunks.
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95% of first-time MPRE takers who completed at least 75% of Quimbee MPRE Review passed the MPRE.*

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Why Quimbee?
Quimbee is a one-of-a-kind educational resource for law students and legal professionals. Quimbee is a one-of-a-kind educational resource for law students and legal professionals. From your first day of law school through your final day of practice, Quimbee provides you with the tools you need to to succeed in the classroom and beyond. Created by seasoned legal professionals, Quimbee built the legal resources and law school study aids we wish we had in law school, to help you thrive. Created by seasoned legal professionals, Quimbee built the legal resources and law school study aids we wish we had in law school, to help you thrive.
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