Michael Liner

Michael Liner


Liner Legal, LLC

Michael is one of the nation's top attorneys practicing social security disability law. Since founding Liner Legal in 2013, Michael has helped his clients obtain billions of dollars in Social Security benefits through vigorous representation and unmatched customer service. While Michael loves being an attorney, his passion for helping those in need fuels his drive to provide a client experience that exceeds any other law firm in America.

His childhood inspired Michael to pursue a career as a disability attorney. From a young age, he knew what it felt like to be labeled as "different" because he was sent to, and later expelled from, a school for children with attention and behavior problems. Michael also dealt with various neurological disorders, including epilepsy and motor tic syndrome. Fortunately, with help and support from his family and mentors, he used his challenges to his advantage - ultimately creating a company allowing him to help those struggling with situations and experiences similar to his own. 

The most rewarding moment of Michael’s career so far was after the first Liner Legal Largest Loser challenge in 2018, when a contestant informed Michael that because of his participation, he was no longer considered diabetic by his doctors.

Michael has successfully represented thousands of claimants seeking Social Security Disability benefits at all stages of litigation — from initial applications up to the Federal District Court level. His philosophy about what it takes to win a disability case is simple yet surprisingly unique: coach clients endlessly about the importance of developing their medical treatment notes and then tenacious cross-examination of vocational and medical experts during their disability hearings. Michael’s success rate can be described in one statement: “He wins all of the cases he’s supposed to, and many of the cases he isn’t.” 

Michael serves on numerous community and non-profit boards. He loves speaking and writing about the nuances of disability law and service-oriented legal practices.