Pass the bar exam: compare Quimbee v. Themis

Get a comparison of Quimbee v. Themis. Quimbee Bar Review+ includes four diagnostic exams composed of real questions from past bar exams.

Quimbee Bar Review+ v. Themis

We know you have a lot of choices when it comes to bar review products. When you compare other bar review courses to each other, the heart of their courses all look pretty much the same—a lecturer reading from a script, with—possibly—a few simple graphics interspersed throughout the video. After an entire academic career of sitting through class after class, wouldn’t it be nice if your bar review course offered something different?

At Quimbee, we’ve built our reputation on creating beautiful, easy-to-digest video lessons. Our team utilizes the latest understanding of learning science, allowing us to design all of our lessons in a way that maximizes your efforts. You’ll never have to watch some long, drawn-out lecture with Quimbee Bar Review+. Our video lessons are usually around six minutes—enough time to teach you everything you need to know, but short enough to keep your attention.

We’ve analyzed the other guys. We know what they’re doing, and we know it isn’t working. Bar exam scores remain at an all-time low. Quimbee revolutionized the way law students study and prepare for class, and we’re doing the same for the bar exam.

List price
Real MBE questions from past exams
iOS app rating
Android app rating
Unlimited essay grading
Extended part-time course
100% money-back guarantee
Free retakes until you pass
The features listed in the comparison chart above reflect the Quimbee Bar Review+ product. To see a comparison between Quimbee Bar Review and Quimbee Bar Review+, please visit our pricing page.

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Bar Review Overview

Quimbee Bar Review+ v. Themis Bar Review overview

Themis Bar Review has focused solely on providing bar prep solutions for many years. Themis prides itself on the fact that it is the only major bar provider that publishes individual state pass rates. But if you’re looking for a bar review course that breaks the mold, you may want to look elsewhere.

Quimbee Bar Review+ compares very favorably to Themis Bar Review. Themis Bar Review’s traditional video lectures might remind you of all the boring classes you attended in law school. Quimbee Bar Review+’s video lessons, however, were created by our gifted team of designers specifically to be not only informative, but also engaging, entertaining. Rather than following the lead of other bar review companies, Quimbee chose to reimagine what a bar prep course should look like, building a bar review course that meets the needs of current students.

Quimbee Bar Review+ features everything law students have come to love about Quimbee–expert-written outlines, easy-to-follow lessons, and beautifully designed videos—plus over 1,600 licensed questions from past bar exams, attorney-graded essays, and advanced performance tracking. Plus, the unique Quimbee Bar Review+ study schedule will help you know exactly what you should be doing and when.

There’s simply no comparison: while Themis Bar Review is a fine product, Quimbee Bar Review+ is the best bar program on the market, at the best price.

Bar Review Price

Quimbee Bar Review+ price v. Themis Bar Review price

Themis Bar Review is one of the most expensive bar prep courses available, coming in at a steep $2,795. Themis offers a $100 discount to members of Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity and Military Spouse J.D. Network. Themis also offers a $100 discount to active, reserve, and retired military. Quimbee Bar Review+ comes in at just a fraction of that price—only $2,099 for the complete Quimbee Bar Review+ course.

Not only that, thanks to our partnership with the American Bar Association (ABA), ABA Law Student Members can save $50 on Quimbee Bar Review+, and ABA Premium Members can save $100 on Quimbee Bar Review+. That means you can get Quimbee Bar Review+ for as low as $1,999.

Bar Review App

Quimbee Bar Review+ app v. Themis Bar Review app

If you’re studying on the go, Quimbee Bar Review+ is the easy choice. As of this writing, the Themis Bar Review app receives a 3.4 rating from the Google Play store and a 3.1 rating in Apple’s App Store. Quimbee’s mobile app, on the other hand, receives a 4.8 rating in Apple’s App Store and a 4.5 rating in the Google Play store. Our app is regularly updated to add new features, make adjustments based on user feedback, and fix bugs. Quimbee Bar Review+ is dedicated to serving our students, and this dedication clearly shines through in reviews of our mobile app.

Bar Review Study Schedule

Quimbee Bar Review+ study schedule v. Themis Bar Review study schedule

The Quimbee Bar Review+ study schedule and calendar is the backbone of your course. It's what keeps you grounded. Every subject on the bar exam is reflected in the calendar. Your calendar will give you a complete bar review study schedule, so all you need to do is check your calendar and click on the appropriate tasks. When you complete your tasks for the day, we'll mark that day complete on the calendar. And with Quimbee Bar Review+, it’s easy to keep track of your course progress at any time. From your task panel or calendar view, your completion percentage appears in the top right corner of the page.

Themis offers two main modes of study: directed study and flex study. Directed study provides students with a list of tasks to complete each day. Flex study allows students to skip around. Students can switch between directed and flex study mode.

Bar Review Questions

Quimbee Bar Review+ questions v. Themis Bar Review questions

Quimbee Bar Review+ offers over 1,600+ questions licensed from the NCBE. Practicing with licensed questions is beneficial because every licensed question was used in a previous bar exam; thus, Quimbee users receive a great deal of exposure to the same format and structure of questions that they’ll see on their actual bar exam.

Themis Bar Review offers simulated exams and 1,375+ MBE Practice Questions. Themis also includes hundreds of practice essays with unlimited grading.

Bar Review Guarantee

Quimbee Bar Review+ guarantee v. Themis Bar Review guarantee

When you sign up for a bar review course, you have one goal in mind: passing the bar exam. If your bar review course doesn’t help you achieve that goal, you’d probably feel like you just flushed a bunch of money, time, and effort down the toilet. That’s why at Quimbee, we make it easy for you to receive a full refund if you don’t pass the bar exam. At Quimbee Bar Review+, we’re so confident that you’ll pass the Uniform Bar Examination (UBE) with our program that you’ll need to complete just 75% of our course to be eligible for our money-back guarantee.

Themis Bar Review guarantees a free repeat of the next administration of the bar review course in the same jurisdiction for a student who is using Themis Bar Review for the first time. New textbooks are not included in the guarantee, but can be purchased for $250 plus $30 in shipping and any applicable taxes.