More practice. Less reading.

Quimbee Bar Review+ uses a practice-based approach and an all-encompassing curriculum to simulate an authentic bar exam experience.

Make every minute count

Our meticulously designed course allows you to make the most of your study time. Below, you’ll find a breakdown of the amount of time you’ll spend on each Quimbee Bar Review+ task.

  • California
  • Florida
Bar Review Emily and Tom

Expert-built for efficient learning

Quimbee Bar Review+ brings together the expertise of top attorneys, distinguished law professors, and learning-science specialists. They’ve meticulously designed a bar review course that focuses on the essential knowledge you need to pass the bar exam and the most effective strategies for learning it.

Here’s how you’ll practice with Quimbee Bar Review+

Bar review video lessons

Video lessons paired with quizzes

Long-winded lectures and lengthy readings are no way to study for the bar exam. Our short videos, each under 7 minutes, pair complex concepts with memorable visual cues to help you visualize hypotheticals—allowing for better context and recall. After watching each video, you’ll take a 5-question quiz. By reflecting on the information you learned with a practice quiz, you will reinforce knowledge retention.

Graded writing tasks

Graded writing tasks

Throughout the course, you’ll encounter practice essays and performance tests. Using previously tested bar exam essay questions, our writing tasks allow you to practice improving your writing performance over time. After submitting your writing tasks, you’ll receive personalized feedback from a real attorney. You’ll get insights on how to improve your legal and factual content; organization and clarity; and application, logic, and reasoning. These insights will help you critically evaluate your responses and make impactful adjustments moving forward.  

UBE skills-based writing workshops

UBE skills-based writing workshops

Writing improves with practice. To complement our graded writing tasks, we include writing workshops throughout the course. During each workshop, you’ll receive information and tips on how to answer essay questions in every Uniform Bar Examination subject. You’ll apply information learned in writing workshops to each graded writing task—honing your skills every time you practice. 

Simulated exams & diagnostics

Simulated exams & diagnostics

Practice your exam performance with simulated experiences, and you’ll be able to transfer your course performance to the bar exam. Serving as important checkpoints, our diagnostics allow you to put your knowledge to the test and assess your performance. Our diagnostics and simulated Multistate Bar Examination consist of authentic past exam questions and allow your in-course performance to become second nature and applicable to the real bar exam.

Know when and what to study

Comprehensive schedules

Comprehensive schedule

We made staying on track manageable as you work your way through our bar review course by offering multiple study schedule options. Whether you choose the traditional 10-week schedule or the 6-month, part-time schedule, you can study confidently knowing you can complete all the assignments at your own pace.

Instructive data

Instructive data

Our course progress data lets you track your pace as you work your way toward the bar exam. The data is updated weekly, so you’ll always know where you stand. Seeing your progress v. the expected course progress lets you know whether you’re ahead of schedule, maintaining the average course pace, or need to put in some extra effort to catch up. Book a free consultation with a bar review director to get a tour of our course-progress page that you will have access to.

Detailed outlines

Detailed outlines

Your Quimbee Bar Review Coursebook will serve as your study sage. Inside, you’ll find meticulously crafted outlines offering brief summaries on every bar exam topic, so you can be confident you're studying what's important. Our outlines provide guidance on study priority (rarely tested, moderately tested, highly tested), letting you know where to best spend your study time. There are also tactical manuals for tackling each section of the bar exam that will offer invaluable tips on how to efficiently practice as you work toward your exam date.

Start studying to pass the bar exam today