Cannabis CLE

Quimbee's cannabis continuing legal education (CLE) courses deliver the content lawyers need with engaging videos that are fun to watch.

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    Quimbee Cannabis Law CLE Online

    If you’re looking for a simple, engaging way to learn about cannabis law and fulfill your continuing legal education (CLE) requirements, look no further than Quimbee CLE online.

    All Quimbee CLE online courses are built from the ground up by our world-class team of attorneys and designers. Our goal is to create a product that will not only help you meet your CLE requirements but will actually be enjoyable. Sign up for a Quimbee CLE course today!

    An Overview of Cannabis Law

    In recent years, a growing number of states have begun permitting the use of cannabis for medical and recreational purposes. As of October 2020, 33 states have legalized medical marijuana. Additionally, 11 states permit marijuana for recreational use. Legislation to legalize marijuana has also been proposed in a number of other states.

    Because of these recent changes in the law, legalized cannabis has become a rapidly growing industry across the country. Businesses in this industry have to navigate a potentially treacherous regulatory framework, however, as the consumption of marijuana remains prohibited at the federal level. Cannabis businesses have had difficulties establishing banking services, for example, due to banks' fears over federal regulations.

    Attorneys working in the field of cannabis law advise on a range of issues, including mergers and acquisitions, debt financing, capital formation, taxation, entity structuring, private equity, corporate governance, real estate, banking, international law, immigration, and risk analysis.

    Who Should Take CLE Courses in Cannabis Law?

    Cannabis law is one of the fastest-growing practice areas in the legal industry. The novelty of the field also presents an array of fascinating legal questions. For any lawyers looking to learn more about this new industry, or just anyone interested in a hot-button legal issue, a CLE course in cannabis law might be exactly what you’re looking for.