Bill Kransdorf

Bill Kransdorf, JD


NYC Bankruptcy Assistance Project

William Z. (Bill) Kransdorf, Esq. is director of the NYC Bankruptcy Assistance Project (NYC BAP) at Legal Services NYC, which provides pro bono assistance to debtors in bankruptcy. He is also an Adjunct Professor of Law at St. John’s School of Law in Queens, NY. He earned his BA from the University of Chicago and his JD from Harvard Law School. He worked as an attorney with indigent legal services programs in the San Francisco Bay Area for ten years after graduating from law school in 1992. He also worked as a solo bankruptcy practitioner for three years, before coming to New York in 2005. He has headed NYC BAP since 2005 and has taught the Bankruptcy Advocacy Clinical since the Fall of 2010. The Project has become a national model of pro bono and bankruptcy advocacy. Bill is married with two children.