Colleen Quinn, JD
Quinn Law Centers
Colleen Marea Quinn is the owner of the Quinn Law Centers including the Adoption & Surrogacy Law Center. She practices in the areas of employment law, personal injury, family formation (adoption & surrogacy) law, and estate planning. Quinn has received numerous awards and accolades for her achievements spanning 32 years since her graduation from the University of Virginia law school in 1988 and from the College of William & Mary in 1985. She is a Fellow, and a former President, Trustee, Treasure, Conference Chair and Committee Chair of the Academy of Adoption & Assisted Reproduction Attorneys, a member of the LGBT Bar Family Law Institute, ASRM, Resolve, National Council for Adoption, AAJ, VTLA, and many other organizations. She is co-author of the Virginia Adoption Procedures and Forms book produced by Virginia CLE which includes a chapter on Virginia ART law written by her. She regularly teaches courses on assisted reproductive technology law and contract drafting.