Scott Sholder
Cowan, DeBaets, Abrahams & Sheppard LLP
Scott J. Sholder is a partner with Cowan, DeBaets, Abrahams & Sheppard LLP in the firm’s New York City office and is the Co-Chair of the firm’s litigation group. He focuses his practice on litigation, counseling, and dispute resolution in connection with entertainment, media, and intellectual property matters. Scott represents and advises clients – from major media and entertainment companies and A-list talent to closely held and startup businesses and individuals – across various industries in copyright, trademark, right-of-publicity, and commercial and business disputes, from pre-suit negotiations through trial and post-trial procedures in federal and state courts around the country, as well as administrative and arbitral tribunals. Scott is a frequent writer and speaker on issues related to copyright and trademark in the entertainment and digital media space, with a recent focus on copyright considerations related to generative AI.