These aren't your grandpa's flashcards

Quimbee Flashcards utilize the latest science to ensure you're studying as efficiently and effectively as possible.

See our flashcards coverage Price: Included with Quimbee Gold

Why are Quimbee Flashcards the ideal study aid?

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Expert-written and up-to-date

Quimbee Flashcards are painstakingly drafted by attorneys who have ensured that each flashcard includes the most accurate, up-to-date law.
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Harness the magic of spaced repetition

Old methods of cramming just don't work. Quimbee Flashcards are built using a technique called "spaced repetition," which promotes better long-term memory of key concepts. you'll be able to rate your understanding of every card. Quimbee's algorithm will adjust how often you see a particular topic based on your level of understanding and proficiency.
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Comprehensive bar exam and MPRE coverage

With Quimbee Flashcards, you'll have access to over 7,900 flashcards, covering every topic tested on the Multistate Bar Exam (MBE), Multistate Essay Exam (MEE), and Multistate Professional Responsibility Exam (MPRE). Each card is keyed directly to the National Conference of Bar Examiners' subject-matter outline.
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Track your progress

It's easy to see whether you're learning with Quimbee Flashcards–you'll be able to rate your understanding of every card. As you go, we'll calculate your proficiency score in the topic.

Study anytime, anywhere

Remember having to lug around stacks of flashcards while you were learning your multiplication tables? That won't happen with Quimbee. Quimbee Flashcards are entirely online and can also be accessed on Quimbee's free iOS and Android apps. Download Quimbee's apps in the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store. Your third-grade self would be jealous.

What law students have to say about Quimbee

"Quimbee's flashcards are very helpful because they force you to be interactive and engaged in your study process. So instead of just passively listening to videos or kind of reading through an outline, you actually have to sit and read the flashcard and you have to know the answer before you can move on. So it really helps you realize what things you know, what concepts you need to work on. And it really does help this studying process."

Quimbee is trusted by top law schools and organizations

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Frequently asked questions

Can I use Quimbee Flashcards to prep for the bar exam?

Absolutely! Quimbee’s 7,900+ smart flashcards are keyed to the National Conference of Bar Examiners (NCBE) subject-matter outlines for all subjects on the Multistate Bar Examination (MBE) and Multistate Essay Examination, plus the Multistate Professional Responsibility Examination (MPRE). Drill through Quimbee Flashcards to learn everything you need to know to rock your law school final exam or the bar.

Can I use Quimbee Flashcards to study for my law school finals?

Of course! Quimbee Flashcards offer unparalleled coverage of the most common law school subjects. While Quimbee Flashcards are not tailored to your professor’s unique approach, you can feel confident that Quimbee Flashcards comprehensively cover your subject.

What subjects do Quimbee Flashcards cover?

Quimbee Flashcards span 90 topics across 14 legal subject areas. Comprehensive coverage is available for business associations; civil procedure; conflict of laws; constitutional law; contracts; criminal law; criminal procedure; evidence; family law; legal ethics; property; secured transactions; torts; and wills, trusts, and estates.

What is the format of Quimbee Flashcards?

There are two types of Quimbee Flashcards: question-and-answer flashcards and story flashcards. Question-and-answer flashcards ask you to recall black-letter law and help you build your knowledge of the doctrinal content you’re expected to master. Story flashcards ask you to apply those concepts to hypothetical situations, just as you’ll be expected to do on exam day.

Are Quimbee Flashcards included in my subscription?

Quimbee Flashcards are included at no extra charge in your Quimbee Gold plan.

Are Quimbee’s digital flashcards really better than good, old-fashioned physical flashcards?

Quite simply, yes. Physical flashcards are like 8-track tapes and video cassettes. Even if we have some nostalgia, we'd still rather stream HD. With physical flashcards, it’s up to you to manually track which cards you’ve already seen, which ones you know and don’t know, and which ones have the most important information. With Quimbee Flashcards, all that work is done for you, so you can focus on just learning the information.

What is spaced repetition?

Quimbee Flashcards harness the magic of spaced repetition to help you learn better, faster. In a nutshell, learning science tells us that people remember information better if they’re exposed to it at strategic intervals (ideally just as they’re on the cusp of forgetting it). Quimbee’s Flashcards utilize a proprietary algorithm to show you the specific card you need to see at the exact moment you need to see it to maximize your recall. Spaced repetition helps you lock in that knowledge. so it’s there when you need it on exam day

Are Quimbee Flashcards available on the Quimbee app?

Yes, absolutely. Quimbee makes it easy to study on the go with free mobile apps for iPhone, iPad, and Android. Access Quimbee Flashcards anytime, anywhere with Quimbee’s mobile apps.

Who writes Quimbee Flashcards?

Quimbee Flashcards are authored by only the highest caliber legal writers. Learn more about them here. Our team of law professors, practicing attorneys, and subject-matter experts subject their work to Quimbee’s rigorous editorial standards. The end result is a clear, concise explanation of the law that you can rely on.

Can I get a free trial of Quimbee Flashcards?

Yes, definitely. Simply visit our pricing page and select Quimbee Gold. You’ll get unlimited access to all Quimbee Flashcards--plus Quimbee’s entire library of study aids including case briefs, video lessons, multiple-choice quizzes and exams, issue spotters, outlines, and much more--absolutely free for 7 days.