Table of Contents

    Make your first attempt at the bar exam your last with Quimbee

    • 91% bar exam pass rate*
    • 100% money-back guarantee
    • 1,600+ real questions from past bar exams
    *First-time UBE takers who completed at least 75% of Quimbee Bar Review or Quimbee Bar Review+. The margin of error is 5.9%.

    Explaining the Bar Exam

    Explaining the Bar Exam
    Watch the live recording of Explaining the Bar Exam—an informational webinar covering everything you need to know to pass the Uniform Bar Exam, California Bar Exam, and Florida Bar Exam. On August 7, 2024, bar review director Lori Eller and other Quimbee team members hosted a free, live webinar where they highlighted each exam’s tested subjects, explained how to register for your jurisdiction’s exam, and much more. Learn about additional state-specific requirements, dive into the NCBE’s role, and discover the steps you should take to confidently prepare.