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Bar Exam Success

Bar Review FAQ: How Do Bar Courses Teach the Law?

Bar Review FAQ: How Do Bar Courses Teach the Law?—Quimbee
In law school, you learn the law through casebook readings and classroom discussions. In the world of bar prep, learning the law looks different. Bar prep courses use a mix of methods to help you master the law tested on the exam, including videos, written outlines, and practice questions.


Videos are a mainstay of most bar prep courses. Generally, bar prep courses offer video coverage of the 7 subjects tested on the Multistate Bar Exam (MBE) and the subjects tested on the essay component. Bar prep providers take varying approaches to videos. The most common format is lecture videos. You’ll watch as a presenter reviews the black-letter law. 

Quimbee Bar Review doesn’t rely on lectures to teach the law. Instead, you’ll encounter  beautifully designed video lessons that teach the law through examples. You’ll master the black-letter law and understand how it applies.

Outline Readings

Most bar courses offer written outlines in addition to video coverage. Bar outlines are useful on many levels. You can use an outline’s table of contents for a quick refresher on how the subject breaks down into the concepts tested. Understanding the broad organization of the subject is extremely helpful before you dive into the details.

Bar review outlines are also great for providing exhaustive coverage. If you’re uncertain how a point of law works after watching the video, you can turn to the outline to find out more. Outlines also help you master the law for the essays. Element by element, the outline demonstrates the content required for a high-scoring rule statement.

Bar review outlines tend to be exhaustive in scope, so many bar prep courses also provide a shortened version of the outline. This condensed version works well for review—you can keep your memory fresh without the time commitment of the complete outline. 

Practice Questions

Practice questions are the final puzzle piece. Most bar courses include practice testing in the calendar of tasks and offer a bank of MBE and essay questions. Taking practice questions is a powerful way to learn the law tested on the exam. Practice testing requires you to recall and apply the law. Each time you retrieve knowledge, you create a stronger, more durable memory of the law, and you’ll be on your way to passing the bar exam.

Make success a reality with Quimbee. Expert-written case briefs, outlines, and a practice-oriented bar review course give you the edge you’ll need to ace law school finals and conquer the bar exam. Book a free, 30-minute tour of Quimbee Bar Review+ to learn more.

Make your first attempt at the bar exam your last with Quimbee

  • 91% bar exam pass rate*
  • 100% money-back guarantee
  • 1,600+ real questions from past bar exams
*First-time UBE takers who completed at least 75% of Quimbee Bar Review or Quimbee Bar Review+. The margin of error is 5.9%.

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